
# Verbosity and settings that you pretty much just always are going to want.
alias \
    cp="cp -iv" \
    mv="mv -iv" \
    rm="rm -vI" \
    bc="bc -ql" \
    mkd="mkdir -pv" \
    yt="yt-dlp --embed-metadata -i" \
    yta="yt -x -f bestaudio/best -o '%(uploader)s - %(title)s.%(ext)s'" \
    ytmp3="yta --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 192K" \
    ffmpeg="ffmpeg -hide_banner"

# Kubernetes things
alias \
    ctx="kubectl ctx" \
    f='flux' \
    h='helm' \
    k='kubectl' \

# These common commands are just too long! Abbreviate them.
alias \
    ka="killall" \
    g="git" \
    e="${EDITOR:-vim}" \
    p="pacman" \

# Misc
alias \
    tmux='tmux -f ~/.config/tmux/tmux.conf' \
    df='df -h' \
    free='free -m' \
    r='ranger' \
    w='curl https://wttr.in/'

which codium >/dev/null && alias code=codium