130 lines
7.8 KiB
130 lines
7.8 KiB
{{- $cdn := .Scratch.Get "cdn" | default dict -}}
{{- $fingerprint := .Scratch.Get "fingerprint" -}}
{{- $comment := .Scratch.Get "comment" | default dict -}}
{{- $commentConfig := dict -}}
{{- if $comment.enable -}}
<div id="comments">
{{- /* Disqus Comment System */ -}}
{{- $disqus := $comment.disqus | default dict -}}
{{- if $disqus.enable -}}
<div id="disqus_thread" class="comment"></div>
{{- $source := printf "https://%v.disqus.com/embed.js" $disqus.shortname -}}
{{- dict "Source" $source "Defer" true | dict "Scratch" .Scratch "Data" | partial "scratch/script.html" -}}
Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by <a href="https://disqus.com/?ref_noscript">Disqus</a>.
{{- end -}}
{{- /* Gitalk Comment System */ -}}
{{- $gitalk := $comment.gitalk | default dict -}}
{{- if $gitalk.enable -}}
<div id="gitalk" class="comment"></div>
{{- $source := $cdn.gitalkCSS | default "lib/gitalk/gitalk.css" -}}
{{- dict "Source" $source "Minify" true "Fingerprint" $fingerprint | dict "Scratch" .Scratch "Data" | partial "scratch/style.html" -}}
{{- $source := $cdn.gitalkJS | default "lib/gitalk/gitalk.min.js" -}}
{{- dict "Source" $source "Fingerprint" $fingerprint | dict "Scratch" .Scratch "Data" | partial "scratch/script.html" -}}
{{- $commentConfig = dict "id" .Date "title" .Title "clientID" $gitalk.clientId "clientSecret" $gitalk.clientSecret "repo" $gitalk.repo "owner" $gitalk.owner "admin" (slice $gitalk.owner) | dict "gitalk" | merge $commentConfig -}}
Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by <a href="https://github.com/gitalk/gitalk"></a>Gitalk</a>.
{{- end -}}
{{- /* Valine Comment System */ -}}
{{- $valine := $comment.valine | default dict -}}
{{- if $valine.enable -}}
<div id="valine" class="comment"></div>
{{- $options := dict "targetPath" "lib/valine/valine.min.css" -}}
{{- dict "Source" "lib/valine/valine.scss" "ToCSS" $options | dict "Scratch" .Scratch "Data" | partial "scratch/style.html" -}}
{{- $source := $cdn.valineJS | default "lib/valine/Valine.min.js" -}}
{{- dict "Source" $source "Fingerprint" $fingerprint | dict "Scratch" .Scratch "Data" | partial "scratch/script.html" -}}
{{- $commentConfig = dict "el" "#valine" "appId" $valine.appId "appKey" $valine.appKey "lang" ($valine.lang | default (T "valineLang")) "visitor" $valine.visitor "recordIP" $valine.recordIP "placeholder" ($valine.placeholder | default (T "valinePlaceholder")) "highlight" (ne $valine.highlight false) "enableQQ" $valine.enableQQ | dict "valine" | merge $commentConfig -}}
{{- with $valine.avatar -}}
{{- $commentConfig = dict "avatar" . | dict "valine" | merge $commentConfig -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- with $valine.meta -}}
{{- $commentConfig = dict "meta" . | dict "valine" | merge $commentConfig -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- with $valine.pageSize -}}
{{- $commentConfig = dict "pageSize" . | dict "valine" | merge $commentConfig -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- with $valine.serverURLs -}}
{{- $commentConfig = dict "serverURLs" . | dict "valine" | merge $commentConfig -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $commentConfig = $valine.emoji | default "google.yml" | printf "data/emoji/%v" | resources.Get | transform.Unmarshal | dict "valine" | merge $commentConfig -}}
Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by <a href="https://valine.js.org/">Valine</a>.
{{- end -}}
{{- /* Facebook Comment System */ -}}
{{- $facebook := $comment.facebook | default dict -}}
{{- if $facebook.enable -}}
<div id="fb-root" class="comment"></div>
data-href="{{ .Permalink }}"
data-width="{{ $facebook.width }}"
data-numposts="{{ $facebook.numPosts }}"
{{- $source := printf "https://connect.facebook.net/%v/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v5.0&appId=%v&autoLogAppEvents=1" ($facebook.languageCode | default (T "facebookLanguageCode")) $facebook.appId -}}
{{- dict "Source" $source "Defer" true | dict "Scratch" .Scratch "Data" | partial "scratch/script.html" -}}
Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by <a href="https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/comments/"></a>Facebook</a>.
{{- end -}}
{{- /* Telegram Comments System */ -}}
{{- $telegram := $comment.telegram | default dict -}}
{{- if $telegram.enable -}}
<div id="telegram-comments" class="comment"></div>
{{- $attr := printf `data-comments-app-website="%v"` $telegram.siteID -}}
{{- $attr = printf `%v data-limit="%v"` $attr ($telegram.limit | default 5) -}}
{{- with $telegram.height -}}
{{- $attr = printf `%v data-height="%v"` $attr . -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- with $telegram.color -}}
{{- $attr = printf `%v data-color="%v"` $attr . -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if $telegram.colorful -}}
{{- $attr = printf `%v data-colorful="1"` $attr -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if $telegram.dislikes -}}
{{- $attr = printf `%v data-dislikes="1"` $attr -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if $telegram.outlined -}}
{{- $attr = printf `%v data-outlined="1"` $attr -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- dict "Source" "https://comments.app/js/widget.js?2" "Defer" true "Attr" $attr | dict "Scratch" .Scratch "Data" | partial "scratch/script.html" -}}
Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by <a href="https://comments.app/">Telegram Comments</a>.
{{- end -}}
{{- /* Commento Comment System */ -}}
{{- $commento := $comment.commento | default dict -}}
{{- if $commento.enable -}}
<div id="commento" class="comment"></div>
{{- dict "Source" "https://cdn.commento.io/js/commento.js" "Defer" true | dict "Scratch" .Scratch "Data" | partial "scratch/script.html" -}}
Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by <a href="https://commento.io/">Commento</a>.
{{- end -}}
{{- /* Utterances Comment System */ -}}
{{- $utterances := $comment.utterances | default dict -}}
{{- if $utterances.enable -}}
<div id="utterances" class="comment"></div>
{{- $commentConfig = dict "repo" $utterances.repo | dict "utterances" | merge $commentConfig -}}
{{- $commentConfig = $utterances.issueTerm | default "pathname" | dict "issueTerm" | dict "utterances" | merge $commentConfig -}}
{{- $commentConfig = dict "label" $utterances.label | dict "utterances" | merge $commentConfig -}}
{{- $commentConfig = $utterances.lightTheme | default "github-light" | dict "lightTheme" | dict "utterances" | merge $commentConfig -}}
{{- $commentConfig = $utterances.darkTheme | default "github-dark" | dict "darkTheme" | dict "utterances" | merge $commentConfig -}}
Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by <a href="https://utteranc.es/">Utterances</a>.
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- dict "comment" $commentConfig | dict "config" | merge (.Scratch.Get "this") | .Scratch.Set "this" -}}