#!/usr/bin/env bash # Performs borgmatic backups and checks, given that # enough time has elapsed since the last one performed. # cerberus, 2022-02-03-1 set -o pipefail [ -f /opt/borg/bin/borg ] && borg=/opt/borg/bin/borg || borg="$(command -v borg)" [ -f /opt/borg/bin/borgmatic ] && borgmatic=/opt/borg/bin/borgmatic || borgmatic="$(command -v borgmatic)" export LOG_FILE="/var/log/borgmatic-wrapper.log" export STATE_DIR="/var/tmp/borgmatic-wrapper" LIB_DIR="${LIB_DIR:-/usr/local/jilits}" script_name="$(basename -- "$0")" max_minutes_since_last_backup="" max_minutes_since_last_check=720 . "$LIB_DIR/libverbosity.sh" || exit 127 . "$LIB_DIR/libcommon.sh" || exit 127 . "$LIB_DIR/libdatatype.sh" || exit 127 . "$LIB_DIR/libdatetime.sh" || exit 127 . "$LIB_DIR/libstate.sh" || exit 127 eggsit() { rc=$? [ $rc -eq 0 ] && echlog "Script exiting ($rc)..." [ $rc -ne 0 ] && errlog "Script exiting ($rc)..." exit $rc } trap "eggsit" EXIT get_last_backup_ts() { local ts state_ttl="$((6 * 60 * 60))" ts="$(get_state CachedLastBackupTimestamp)" if [ -n "$ts" ]; then echo "$ts" return 0 fi ts="$(sudo "$borgmatic" list --last 1 --successful --json | jq -r '.[0].archives[0].start')" set_state CachedLastBackupTimestamp "$ts" "$state_ttl" echo "$ts" } minutes_since_last_backup() { local ue ue="$(dt_to_ue "$(get_last_backup_ts)")" echo "$((($(current_ue) - ue) / 60))" } remote_is_online() { local host port host="$(cut -d: -f1 <<<"$1")" port="$(cut -d: -f2 <<<"$1")" nc -zvw1 "${host:?Missing remote host}" "${port:?Missing remote port}" | tee -a "$LOG_FILE" >/dev/null } perform_backup() { echlog "Running backup." rm_state CachedLastBackupTimestamp rm_state LastBackupPrettyTimestamp "$borgmatic" create --files --stats --verbosity 2 --syslog-verbosity -1 2>&1 | tee -a "$LOG_FILE" || return 1 set_state LastBackupPrettyTimestamp "$(dt_to_pretty "$(get_last_backup_ts)")" "$((4 * 60 * 60))" "$borgmatic" prune --files --stats --verbosity 2 --syslog-verbosity -1 2>&1 | tee -a "$LOG_FILE" || return 2 } perform_check() { echlog "Running check." rm_state LastCheckUnixEpoch "$borgmatic" check --progress --verbosity 2 --syslog-verbosity -1 2>&1 | tee -a "$LOG_FILE" || return 1 set_state LastCheckUnixEpoch "$(current_ue)" "$((24 * 60 * 60))" } function usage() { echo "Usage: $script_name [OPTIONS]" echo echo "Options:" echo " -h Display help." echo " -b [MINUTES] Max minutes since last backup. " echo " -c [MINUTES] Max minutes since last check." echo " -r [HOST:PORT] Ensure remote is online before running actions." } while getopts ":b:c:r:h" arg; do case $arg in b) max_minutes_since_last_backup=$OPTARG ;; c) max_minutes_since_last_check=$OPTARG ;; r) remote_host_port=$OPTARG ;; h) usage exit 0 ;; :) echo "$script_name: Must supply a value with -$OPTARG." >&2 usage exit 1 ;; ?) echo "Invalid option: -${OPTARG}." echo usage exit 2 ;; esac done rotlog 10000000 if ! is_int "$max_minutes_since_last_backup"; then usage echlog echxit "ERROR: Invalid or unset value for argument -b: '$max_minutes_since_last_backup'" 2 fi for bin in jq nc; do if ! command -v "$bin" >/dev/null; then echxit "ERROR: '$bin' not installed" 3 fi done if ! im_root; then echxit "ERROR: This script must be run as root" 1 elif pgrep -f "$borg" >/dev/null; then echxit "ERROR: Borg seems to be active already" 11 elif [ -n "$remote_host_port" ]; then if ! remote_is_online "$remote_host_port"; then echxit "ERROR: Unable to reach $remote_host_port" 12 fi fi echlog "The last backup was carried out $(minutes_since_last_backup) minutes ago (>=$max_minutes_since_last_backup)." if [[ "$(minutes_since_last_backup)" -ge "$max_minutes_since_last_backup" ]]; then perform_backup || echxit "ERROR: Backup returned errors" 21 fi last_check_unixepoch="$(get_state LastCheckUnixEpoch)" || last_check_unixepoch=0 minutes_since_last_check="$((($(current_ue) - last_check_unixepoch) / 60))" echo "The last check was carried out $minutes_since_last_check minutes ago (>=$max_minutes_since_last_check)." | tee -a "$LOG_FILE" if [[ "$minutes_since_last_check" -ge "$max_minutes_since_last_check" ]]; then perform_check || echxit "ERROR: Check returned errors" 21 fi echo "Script finished."