# Containerfile: gtranslate [Alexey Yerin](https://git.sr.ht/~yerinalexey) is unfortunately not interested in providing [`gtranslate`](https://git.sr.ht/~yerinalexey/gtranslate) in a container format, so here's a Containerfile for anyone in need. It is a multi-stage build which means that the Golang build environment container isn't a part of the final container. The final container is therefore just a little over 20MB. Thank you Alexey for this neat little tool! ## Building ```sh ./mk-container.sh ``` ## Usage Running the server in detached mode and querying it: ```sh >>> docker run -it --rm --publish 5000:5000/tcp --name my-gtranslate-instance git.jilits.se/jilits/gtranslate:latest >>> curl 'http://localhost:5000/api?from=en&to=pl&text=Translate+it' Przetłumacz to ``` Run a single query: ```sh >>> docker run -a STDOUT --rm --name dmenugtranslate git.jilits.se/jilits/gtranslate:latest gtranslate-query en pl "Hello, this is Mr. Banana." Witam, tu Pan Banan. ```